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The Ferring Philosophy places people at the heart of what we do. We will address the needs and support those on whom we have an impact in the communities where we operate. Our philosophy and values determine not just what we do, but how we conduct ourselves in the marketplace, with our patients, employees, regulators, business partners and local communities.
We aim to listen with respect and act with integrity.
We believe that in a resource-constrained environmentally challenged world, it is our duty to minimise our impact on the environment wherever we operate.
Our approach rests on the belief that in order to have a healthy tomorrow, we must think beyond the needs of today. We aim to harness our research and expertise to secure a better future for all.
March of Dimes is a non-profit organisation in the United States that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. For more information click here to visit the March of Dimes website.
Ferring and March of Dimes announced on 23rd May 2017 that Ferring has committed $10 million to support the network of March of Dimes Prematurity Research Centres that are discovering the biological causes of premature birth.
Ferring’s contribution has helped fund a new prematurity centre outside the USA. March of Dimes has chosen Imperial College London to be the first European based research centre. Find out more information below.
The March of Dimes Prematurity Research Centres encompass approximately 200 scientists in numerous fields, including obstetrics, neonatology, genetics and genomics, immunology, engineering, informatics, and social sciences. These Centres work together at multiple levels, sharing findings and data to expedite findings on the underlying causes of premature birth.
Both Ferring and March of Dimes are committed to advancing research to help prevent the 15 million annual premature births recorded globally, including about 380,000 in the United States. Premature birth is the leading cause of death in babies in the U.S. and of children under age 5 around the world, and is responsible for 1.1 million infant deaths each year.
Read more about Ferring’s collaboration with March of Dimes and Imperial College here.
Click here to find out more about preterm birth and Ferring’s commitment.
Job Code: UK-RMMH-2000023 - Date of preparation: March 2022