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Firmagon degarelix. Think beyond the prostate Icon Icon Icon Icon

FIRMAGON® can delay disease progression1,2,5

Time is incredibly valuable to you and your patients. See how FIRMAGON® can give you more.
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FIRMAGON® increases PSA progression-free survival at 12 months vs. LHRH agonists1,5

FIRMAGON® delays PSA failure or death by 7 months (secondary endpoint)2*,**,†
  • Delays PSA failure or death by 7 months in high-risk patients** and can maintain this response long-term2
  • Increases PSA progression-free survival at 12 months,1 with response maintained to 5 years in significantly more high-risk patients vs. LHRH agonists2

Adapted from Boccon-Gibod L, et al. 2012

*In a long-term extension of a Phase 3 trial. Delay defined as time taken for 25% of patients considered to be at high-risk (with a baseline PSA ≥ 20 ng/ml) to experience PSA failure or death (TTP 25%).
TTP25% was significantly longer with FIRMAGON® than leuprorelin (514 vs. 303 days, p=0.001).
**As calculated using the Weibull estimate.
† The primary endpoint of the trial was suppression of testosterone to ≤ 0.5 ng/ml at all monthly measurements from day 28 to day 364

FIRMAGON® provides effective treatment for high-risk prostate cancer patients1-3

15% of all prostate cancer diagnoses are classified as high risk* of progression3

FIRMAGON® achieves better disease control and quality of life for patients vs. LHRH agonists4

Delays PSA failure and death and prolongs PSA progression-free survival, in patients with high risk of progression vs. LHRH agonists1,2,5

*High risk defined as patients with baseline PSA ≥20 ng/ml.1,2