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Welcome to our series of dedicated Gastroenterology Educational meetings.
The programme has been developed to address management and treatment options in upper and lower gastrointestinal disease in primary care. We are delighted to partner with regional RCGP faculties to deliver this education and work together to improve the patient journey.
At each meeting we will be joined by an excellent faculty to address the issues around reflux, including the appropriate use of PPIs as well as new concepts in the diagnosis and management of your IBD patients.
The day concludes with a series of interactive case histories specially designed to meet your needs, as frequently seen day-to-day presentations in primary care. We look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings during 2018.
Professor of Surgery at Durham University, United Kingdom and Chairman of the Oesophageal Section of the British Society of Gastroenterology.
To meet the needs and educational gaps in current primary care education in gastroenterology and address these.
To deliver an unbiased and non-commercial educational programme on the management of upper and lower GI disorders in primary care.
To ensure the educational messages support early identification and appropriate referrals from primary care to secondary care.
* Ferring and RB have funded and supported the development of this series of meetings with the exception of venue hire and catering. The meeting content was also reviewed for compliance with the ABPI Code of Practice.